How to give
The SAFEST and easiest way to continue to give is by using the electronic methods detailed below.
Please do not give to the church by any other electronic means other than those mentioned below as scammers are masquerading on the web as genuine Charities
You can give cash during our meetings. There is a ‘love gifts’ box at the top of the stairs that is checked regularly.
Electronic giving through your bank
Standing Orders – you can set this up directly with your bank but the best and safest way is by online banking. You can also make one-off payments using this method.
Contact Michelle Barrow, our treasurer, for the bank details on
However, if you can only pay by cheque you can put the cheque in our collection box in the meeting room, or post them to our treasurer:
Michelle Barrow
Clifton Hall,
Clifton Road
BN11 4DP
Gift Aid
If you are a UK tax payer, Gift Aid is a great way of increasing the value of your gift by 25% at no additional cost to you.
Clifton Community Church. Reg. Charity No. 328263
Trustees: M W G Barrow, M A Barrow, P Napier, V Hawkins, Rev P Kane.
You can download the below form and fill it in, scan it and then email it back to us.
For more information about Gift aid click here