
Monday Mornings

On Mondays we also hold a Bible study group for International believers. 11:15 – 1:00

Tuesday Small group

We hold a Bible study group at Clifton Hall every Tuesday at 11:15am during term time.

This term we are linking our studies with our Bible Reading plan for 2024.

An evening group takes place on Zoom at 7.30pm on a Thursday evening to study as on a Tuesday. Please ask for the zoom codes if you like to join us.

These study times are ongoing during term time.

Prayer meeting

We also meet together to pray at Clifton Hall every week either on Friday or Saturday

Wednesday Making Disciples group

We hold a small group on Wednesday evenings at Clifton Hall for new believers to start becoming a disciple. 6:45pm at Clifton Hall for 1 and a half hours during term time.

Men’s and women’s meetings

From time to time, we have different activities aimed at encouraging each of these groups in their lives. This may take the form of a small meeting or a social activity such as meals together or a sport or craft evening.

Details are published in the church newsletter.
